Basic training for IT security basics
Duration: 1.5 – 3 hours
Cost/Participant: € 75,- plus VAT
Minimum number of participants: 30 people
Duration: 1.5 – 3 hours
Cost/Participant: € 75,- plus VAT
Minimum number of participants: 30 people
Requirements: No prior knowledge necessary
Training Format: Inhouse training
Training Format: Inhouse training
The IT security awareness training serves as a basis for every employee in the company to impart a basic understanding for security or to refresh pre-existing security knowledge.
Content of Training
- What is information security?
- Who are the attackers?
- Recent attacks, incidents and hacking demo
- Secure rules of conduct
- Dealing with programs, software and emails
- Dealing with passwords and password policies
- Handling USB sticks and other external media
- Handling your own equipment in the company (Bring your own Device – BYOD)
- Handling information
- Physical security
- Recognizing attacks and reporting suspicious cases
- Security in the private environment
Your Benefit
- Impart a basic understanding of security for all employees.
- Create security awareness in the participants for an increased security level in their own company.
- Refresh already known rules of conduct for secure actions within the company.
Upon Request
Are you interested in a AWT.101 IT Security Awareness training? Contact us!